Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Exiting the Matrix... for today, at least.

The recurring monthly extra number-crunching is over...

Every month, on the first work day, I have to draw reports, juggle with numbers and figures and do the accounting to get the invoices for our monthly services out to our client. This means, playing with virtual money in amounts around a quarter-million Euros every month... that sums up to three million Euros income for our company per year, going through my hands... I surely feel like Alice in Matrixland on such days.

In order to relax and gather some energy before that day, I made sure to do my usual morning Nuddhism with strong coffee inside and mild air carressing my skin on the outside. After having to get dressed and travelling to the office barefoot (partly by bus, partly on foot), I made sure to ground myself and gather a little energy by having cool Earth and dew-wet grass touching my soles, while enjoying the light of the warm morning sun in my face...

Now, at home, I have shed my clothing, once again enjoying my Nuddhist freedom. After having a little dinner, I will walk barefoot to my favourite park nearby, where I will gather some more energy as described in the previous post...

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