Montag, 19. November 2012

Thank You, Mama Nature...

...for making this Monday a sunny one. Even though at first You cloaked the clear and starry sky with a veil of cold mist before sunrise, You wisely decided to remove the veil, once the sun had risen.

The cool sensation of wet leaves underfoot at the bus stop and while walking on grass on the way to the office helped me a great deal in waking up and collecting more positive vibes to start the working week.

On boarding the bus barefoot, the driver tried being funny by asking "Forgot yer shoes?"... I just shook my head, went in and thought "If I had gotten a Euro for each comment of that kind, I would have retired years ago!"

The day went on smoothly, even though I was quite busy with my fact, figures, reports and spreadsheets, since I was able to once again take my breaks outdoors, basking in sunlight, feeling the sun-warmed pavement of the office parking lot with my bare soles again... Hadn't it been for thos stupid social taboos, I would have sought a place shielded from wind to take off my clothes to sunbathe and recharge in the nude, meditating... but, alas, in that industrial area, there's no such nuddhist refuge nearby. So, I had to stick to standing in the sun barefoot, doing a little breath meditation, followed by short meditative walks.

All in all, that was helping me in powering up positively, too.

As soon as the office day was over, I again enjoyed the warm light provided by the sunset, while enjoying the moist leaves on my way to the bus stop...

On my way home by tram, I enjoyed reading in one of my favourite books, while wiggling my toes... and this time, there were only the usual gapes of disbelief by other passengers, no jocular remarks from bus or tram drivers...

All in all, it was a really OK Monday... Unlike Grumpy Kitty, I have no reason at all to complain, really...

If the week goes on like this, my countdown to my December vacation will be an easy one.

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