Donnerstag, 25. April 2013


Und noch ein wenig erotische Poesie... es fließt momentan alles aus dem Kopf über den Bauch in meine Lenden und wieder zurück... Schamlos wie ich bin, teile ich es gern mit euch...

Mein Lingam


Es hat etwas Magisches

Wenn ein Zauberer

Eine Zauberin

Kundig in der Kunst


Mit den Händen Energie sammelt

Meinen Körper zum Leuchten bringt

Ich wie ein Delphin auf einer Woge



Weiter hinauf...

Gleich bricht die Welle...

Und plötzlich ein Gefühl kalten Eintauchens habe

Der Magier sagt "Atme ein!"

Und ich atme das Strahlen das beinahe hervorbrach

In mich zurück

Big Draw

Eine Zauberin hat mal den Delphin springen lassen

Und mit großem nassen Platsch

Und viel Gespritze

Tauchte der glückliche Delphin in die warme See ein

Happy End        


Happy End!


Elfentanz im Paradiesgarten...

Und noch ein Stück Poesie vom Liebesakt... Für eine liebe Freundin ganz speziell und für alle anderen zum Genuß:

Digitales Airbrush mit gimp 2.6 von mir selbst

Elfentanz im Paradiesgarten

Geliebte Elfe

Im Himmelskleid tanzt Du durchs Gras

Deine nackten Füße schweben über Mama Erde

Dein Haar fliegt

Du drehst dich

Und lachst

Tanzt mir entgegen

Flatterst in meine Arme, schöne Fee

Schmiegst dich an mich

Ich atme deinen Duft

Spüre deine Wärme

Ich spaziere mit meinen Fingern durch deinen Paradiesgarten

Dichter Wald

Eine Entdeckungsreise im wilden Dschungel

In der Mitte des Waldes eine Lichtung...

Geformt wie eine sich öffnende Blüte

In ihrer Mitte, ein kleiner Teich

Meine Finger sind wie ein Reisender der seine nackten Füße ins sonnenwarme Wasser taucht...

Ich schaue in den Paradiesgarten

Er riecht nach Gewürzen wie aus 1001 Nacht

Ich rieche



Ein Hauch von Kakao

Und ganz viel Du

Die wunderschönste Blüte lockt mich mit ihrem Nektar

Ich labe mich an ihr

Bester Honig schmeckt nicht so gut  

Du kostest von der saftigen Frucht

Die in meinem Paradiesgarten wächst

Du stillst deinen Hunger und Durst

Wir trinken einander

umschlingen uns und ich pflanze meine Frucht in deinem Garten

Im Dschungel unserer beider Leiber wird nun ein Fest gefeiert

Du tanzt auf mir

Ich in dir

Bis wir mit Lauten wie von freien wilden Tieren das Feuer der Lust entfachen und darin verbrennen



Fallen wir in glücklichen Schlaf  

Die Früchte in meinem Paradiesgarten... Koste sie, wenn Du magst...

Mittwoch, 24. April 2013


Für eine liebe Freundin, der ich Poesie vom Liebesakt versprach... und natürlich auch für alle anderen zum Genuß...

Bild von Mathia Arkoniel (deviantart)


Du trägst den Namen des Erzengels

Dein langes Haar weht im Sommerwind

Die Sonne brennt auf unseren nackten Leibern

Das Salz des Ozeans schmecke ich auf deiner Haut




Deine Kraft und Leidenschaft fühle ich hart und pulsierend

In meiner Hand

In meinem Mund

Umschlinge deinen Leib und atme deinen Duft

Dein Nektar schmeckt süß auf meiner Zunge

Wie Soma, der Trank der Götter, aus Shivas Lingam

Mit meinem Nektar salbe ich deinen nackten Engelsleib

Mit Küssen preise ich deine Füße die unsere Mutter Erde mit jedem Schritt liebkosen

Gemeinsam segnen wir unsere Große Mutter mit dem Opfer unseres Weißen Bluts

Und schmecken auf unser beider Lippen den süßen Nektar des anderen

Mit dem Geschmack deiner Männlichkeit stille ich meinen Hunger und Durst nach dir

Gierig trinken wir einander, durstig nach noch mehr unseres süßen Nektars auf unseren Zungen

Wir verströmen uns im Mund des anderen, trunken vor Lust, zitternd vor Leidenschaft

Versinken dann innig umarmt im tiefen Schlaf der Liebenden

Mein geliebter Erzengel... ich warte auf dich... ich träume von dir...

Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

How to catch the media's attention (Satire!)

It's all too obvious, isn't it? The daily suffering of large numbers of people due to war, greed and hunger has been put into the back sections of the media and the headlines and news feeds are full of reports about the idiotic deed of igniting bombs at a sports event which cost two lives (including a child's) and left many people injured and traumatized. Certainly, it's a gruesome deed, but the media are successfully blanking out the rest of the suffering still going on in the world.

The German satiric web site "Der Postillon" has therefore published a very sarcastic and acid article, very apt to put things back into perspective. Here's my English translation of the original German text:

"Syrian civil war victims plan marathon race to finally get media attention again!

Will there be more about Syria in the news again soon? Apparently, the victims of daily violence in the Syrian civil war consider holding a marathon race in order to meet the hard media criteria for headline-worthy disasters and to get more attention in the eyes of the general public. This has been published in a written statement by the event organizers.

"In the last two years, about 70,000 people died in the civil war, many among them children who could wonderfully have been used to create sappy top headlines with pictures - all in vain.", the statement reads. "Aparently, it is not enough for innocent bystanders to get between the fronts of a war. Therefore, if we have to die anyway, we want to do it for the sakes of sensation-hungry reporters during a catastrophic marathon race event."

Considering the current situation in Syria, severed limbs, dead children and shocking eyewitness accounts in the wake of such a sporting event would be almost guaranteed. "Any tabloid writer should get a hard-on thinking about this!", a Syrian father claims, hoping for more international attention for the conflict victims. Media experts are more skeptical, though. Critically, they point out, that most western hemisphere disaster journalists will only get really high when confronted with European or North American vicitms. But the organizers remain undeterred. Even if the marathon race did not bring the attention desired, the participants would still have acquired important key qualifications - namely in case they are forced to flee as well, just like a quarter of the Syrian populace already is."

While some people might think, that this satiric article is too harsh, but the truth remains: the media have shut their eyes to the daily suffering of numerous people and rather spread fear of terrorism among the western "civilized" world... perhaps media officials as well as consumers of mainstream media need this grim satire in order to re-focus on things.

Here's the link to the original German article:

Dienstag, 16. April 2013

The News Media - Terror's (not so) Little Helpers

Now, that's a provoking post title, isn't it? Is it, really? Or isn't it just the truth? Once again, a terrorist act has killed and injured people - the bombing at the Boston Marathon is the number one news world-wide at the moment. And once again, the media choir sets in, telling us, that we need to be very afraid, that there is no safety, that anyone at any place can be a target... and, of course, the usual polls, questionnaires and reporters sticking microphones into passer-by faces are all part of it again, with the usual question:

"Are you afraid of terror?"

That's quite as intelligent as asking "Is the Pope catholic?" Terror, by definition, is meant to scare people. Be it by randomly bombing places where people gather unawares or by creating a threat, such as placing an anonymous call with a bomb threat in a mall (which happened in the town where I live, last year). Therefore, the greater the fear spread, the larger the "success" of the terrorist act. Therefore, the only viable answer to that question should be "NO!" - that would diminish the terrorists' goal and success to spread fear.

Without doubt, any person killed or injured from such terrorist attacks is one person too many.
Of course, prayers should go out and solace should be offered to the victim's families and friends.
That goes without saying.

But the recurring media hype about a "war on terror", constant threats, the fear-mongering, etc. just has to stop.

I, personally, have lived under constant terror since my early childhood...

From the early 1970s on, my home country - Germany - has had its own terrorist threat gripping the whole nation, in shape of the Baader-Meinhof group, later calling itself "Rote Armee Fraktion" (Red Army Faction - RAF), which committed bombings, kidnappings and brutal shootings, in order to bring down the (wht they thought) repressive politicial system of its time, which was blind on the right-wing eye, still saturated with old nazis and lying in bed with capital. To an extent, that was even true. And they "made their point" with bombing and burning consumerist symbols (department stores in Berlin), the editorial offices of the conservative tabloid press (the Axel Springer Verlag in Berlin) and targetting the high and mighty of U.S. military, capital and politics. There were civil victims, too, but mainly these terrorists aimed at the "classic" targets. When the leading figures were caught in one giant concerted command enterprise of all police forces in Germany, terrorist activities to blackmail the state into releasing the high-ranking RAF members (Andreas Baader, UIrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Jan-Karl Raspe, Holger Meins) went haywire, now reaching the level which is currently connected with the term "terrorism": The kidnapping of industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer and the highjacking of Lufthansa flight LH181 and the hostage rescue in Mogadishu, Somalia in autumn 1977 (which was later named "Deutscher Herbst" - the German Autumn).

During that time, the media had a crucial part not just in informing the public, but also in doing their share of fear-mongering, thus increasing the "success" of the terrorist attacks. When this source of terror became weaker, the attacks on high-and-mighty targets more seldom, the media discovered new terror to induce fear: the quite real and palpable terror of imminent nuclear armageddon during the cold war. This time, the terrorists weren't some radicals trying to bring down the high and mighty - no, the terrorists were the high and mighty themselves, engaged in an armament spiral dwindling up... In a Freudian sense, those men must have had very tiny penises, since they had to compete their size in megatons capacity of killing people. Roughly at the same time, terror inflicted on the world at large by greed and capitalism became more and more apparent: ecocide, poverty, hunger and oppression of indigenous people... ultimately, all these are terrorist acts, against which I, among others, stood up to campaign and protest against and to engage in the One-World-movement, too.

And back in those times (late 1970s to mid-1980s) I, together with my co-campaigning friends, realized that the crucial means of counterin terror is information and not blindly falling into the trap of the mainstream news media fear-mongering.

Basically, there's terror still going on nowadays on a daily basis. Remember that phrase, first recorded in 195 BC by Plautus: "homo homini lupus" - "man is a wolf to (his fellow) men" (most popular after used by Thomas Hobbes in his work Leviathan)? All acts of terror seem to reinforce that... the notion, that so-called "civilized" human beings are their own worst enemies.

If only it were true, that they were like wolves - for those are among the most social animals, living in packs, in tune with Nature, caring lovingly for their young. Yes, they are predators and they have their rank skirmishes within the pack, but that's designed by Nature and not driven by greed, power hunger or distorted political and/or religious beliefs. Nature has Her way of teaching us peaceful ways of living. It's up to us to listen to and learn from these lessons.

Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

Sometimes, movies really scare me...

I'm not talking about horror movies, here. No, it's one of the absurdest and greatest comedy movies ever made by a Finnish author and director team: "Iron Sky". And it's not the absurd vision of the old legend of Nazis having gone to New Swabia, Antarctica, launch spaceships from there to then evade to the dark side of the Moon come to life that scares me...

Marketing for the movie "Iron Sky"... some people actually mistook this for real news!!
After all, even the design of the nazi Moon base in the shape of a giant swastika is so hilariously exaggerated that it effectively mocks any Moon nazi conspiracy theory in existence (I bet, the people of India still despise that mediocre postcard painter from Braunau, Austria, for taking a sacred symbol of peace and good fortune and turning it into a cruel caricature of what it originally stands for).

The fictional Moon nazi fortress in the movie "Iron Sky"

No, the really scary part of that movie, in my opinion, is seeing and hearing Renate Richter on Earth, turned into a part of the US president's "campaig troops" for her re-election, giving a speech, full of rhetorics based on her unearthly (literally, since she grew up on the Moon) nazi upbringing, which then becomes the speech of the president to rally the nation - and the US people buying it as being original, patriotc, genuinely American and cheer her on fervently...

This is the truly scary part. OK, seeing a possible future with a female US president, who very much resembles Sarah Palin is quite scary, as well... but the speech might actually be one of any presudent who wants to rally a nation with patriotism, with the goal to have a nation's people cheer and applaud at whatever the president deems right. It is a speech, that would have worked fine for George W. Bush, too. And some of the figures of speech in it have been used and would work again, too, having the sheeple cheer and clap.

Here's the fictional speech from the movie, video and text:

"The world is sick but we are the doctors.
The world is anaemic but we are the vitamins.
The world is weary but we are the strength.
We are here to make the world healthy once again with hard work, with honesty, with clarity, with decency.
We are the product of loving mothers and brave fathers. We are the embodiment of love and bravery.
We are the gift of both god and science.
We are the answer to the question.
We are the promise delivered to all mankind.
For that we raise our hand to one nation.
We step to the beat of one drum. We march to the beat of one heart and it is this song that we will sing to this world.
We are the people who carry the children on our shoulders in the same way that our fathers carried us and their fathers carried them.
We are the one people united and strong.
We are the one people with certainty, moral certainty.
We are invincible and we have no fear because the truth makes us wise."

Like I wrote initially, it's not horror movies scaring me most... it's the possibility that life might imitate art in this case, too.

Sonntag, 7. April 2013

Where are they today...? Part Two: Has Momo entered menopause on her bare feet?

This year marks another anniversary of a novel with a message and presenting us with a role model in favour of living rather than merely existing: "Momo", the fairy-tale novel by Michael Ende, telling the story of a little girl who fought against the time thieves, the Grey Men from the Timesaving Bank, was published 40 years ago, in 1973.

Author Michael Ende and young Radost Bokel as Momo on the set of the German-Italian movie made from the novel. Ende himself played a small part in the movie at the beginning, being the narrator, sitting in a train compartment, where he encounters Master Hora (played by legendary director John Huston).
So, calculating from there, Momo must be a woman in her mid-fourties now... What has happened to her, since she brought back the stolen time and reminded people, that living isn't about merely existing, following schedules, making money and owning all the latest gadgets?

At first, the adults did not hear or heed the warnings, Momo and her friends gave out...  although they went as public as possible, even to the point of organizing a protest march through town, inviting people to Momo's abode, the old amphitheatre, to hear all about the truth. But, already infiltrated by the Timesaving Bank's all-too convincing calculations, the grown-ups did not listen - they simply hadn't the time (they thought...).

Facing a world, where schedules, money and wealth are still prevalent, what might have happened to the inspirational and special person Momo was? We know, what has happened to Radost Bokel, who played Momo in the movie in 1986, at the age of 11. She appeared in several mediocre TV productions, worked as a model, including erotic photography for the magazines FHM and Maxim and in 2012 even appeared in the German version of „I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!“ which was originally developed by the British TV network ITV1 - a show which is normally the clearest sign of a celebrity no longer being really famous. Other guests of the 2012 season included Brigitte Nielsen (who won) and show magician (and general laughingstock) Vincent Raven, who brought himself to shame by his chauvinist and anti-gay comments.

But let's think what might have become of the enigmatic and inspirational girl called Momo, who taught lots of people about the true value of time, of listening and of living in general... this what she looked like, as presented to us in the novel:

"Aside from being rather odd, Momo's personal appearance might well have shocked anyone who set store by looking clean and tidy. She was so small and thin that, with the best will in the world, no one could have told her age. Her unruly mop of jet-black hair looked as if it had never seen a comb or a pair of scissors. She had very big, beautiful eyes as black as her hair, and feet of almost the same colour, for she nearly always went around barefoot. Although she sometimes wore shoes in the wintertime, the only shoes she had weren't a pair and besides, they were far too big for her. This was because Momo owned nothing apar from what she had found lying around or had been given.

Her ankle-length dress was a mass of patches of different colours, and over it she wore a man's jacket, also far too big for her, with the sleeves turned up at the wrist. Momo had decided against cutting them off becaus she wisely reflected that she was still growing, and goodness only knew if she would eve find another jacket as useful as this one, with all its many pockets."

This might be her at an older age, walking the streets of any given town, still barefoot, as she used to be:

Is she still listening to animals, as well as people...?

What might she have looked like at an older age? I have seen several pictures of happy women on the web, who all possess that dreamy as well as gentle quality she possessed...

I hope that she has found her place in a community, where people know how to live instead of merely existing. Perhaps I have already met her at a Rainbow Gathering, without knowing it was her... or perhaps she is still on the road, on her way to a place, where she can be safe from today's batch of Grey Men.

All the best to her and may her spirit and inspiration live on in all of today's flower children.

Where are they today...? Part One: Reviewing a bitter article about "The Little Prince".

Seventy years ago, on April 6, 1943, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry published his short novel Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince.

"It is a poetic tale self-illustrated in watercolours in which a pilot stranded in the desert meets a young prince fallen to Earth from a tiny asteroid. The story is philosophical and includes societal criticism, remarking on the strangeness of the adult world.
Though ostensibly a children's book, The Little Prince makes several profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature. For example, Saint-Exupéry tells of a fox meeting the young prince during his travels on Earth. The story's essence is contained in the lines uttered by the fox to the little prince: On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. ("One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.")."

(Quoted from Wikipedia)

"taz" authors Michael Gückel and Corinna Stegemann have written an article for the column "Die Wahrheit" ("The Truth"), presenting the former child star as an old, sick and feeble alcoholic who has turned bitter and lost all of his dreamy and wanderlust qualities from his childhood celebrity days, when he inspired children and adults alike. The bitter and often loveless world has sucked the marrow of his life from him, it seems, leaving a sad and depressed hull behind, who has suffered, as many childhood celebrities suffer when growing up, stumbling into traps like alcohol and drug abuse, depression, suicide attempts, therapies, criminal careers... The authors are dumping the whole possible bad that could happen to former celebrities onto the aged prince's shoulders, leaving us alone with the image of a broken old man... It's all too clear, that the article is a fictitious exaggeration, but it carries a message: the wisdom that "One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye." still has not entered the hearts of our so-called "civilized" society. It's still all about the eye, the fake and feigning, the numbers on those pieces of paper we are so eager to collect. Indeed, someone believing in the heart being at the center of things, can turn bitter when growing up and seeing that all he has tried to teach us has fallen to deaf ears, that the soil of our hearts and souls remains barren and arid, while greed and violence prevail.

But as long as there is at least one human being believing in the message given by Saint-Exupéry's novella, that it's the heart that matters, not all hope is lost. And from communicating with my kindred spirits out there and having met them in real life, too, I know that hope and its message are still very much alive.

Donnerstag, 4. April 2013

No spring - no spring fever...

Indeed, the current cold season in Germany (officially called spring, but still very wintery, including snow and ice in many places, especially in the eastern states) is a killer of passion, as well as a killer of animals... Margarete Stokowski wrote an article in her column in the German newspaper "taz" about this, entitled "Hier fickt niemand!" - translated: "No one's fucking here!".

Here's my translation of her German text:

No one likes staring into the abyss. No one likes saying that there is no escape. No, we even smile when everything and everyone and oneself feels totally dead in the water and we pretend that the sun is still shining out of our butts.

But there is no spring. For weeks now.

That the end of the world allegedly didn't happen last December is one of these urban legends of which I'd like to say that we're soon going to laugh about. If there were a "soon" to come...

In German, the end of the world is called "Weltuntergang", containing the root "-gang", meaning "walk" - and it is a walk through 15 centimeters of fresh snow.

You just have to add one and one: the absent spring is a consequence of climate change, experts say. Where there's no spring, there's no spring fever, either, common wisdom says. And where there's no spring fever, there's no sex, no reproduction, no offspring. The End.

"Fuck you, winter" people are writing on Facebook, not seeing that for a long while nothing and no one is fucking anyone (only a few animals, the fools! The German wild animals foundation wrote, that currently many baby hares are freezing to death. Wet fur, cold wind, dead baby hare).

Many migrating birds have turned around, seeing what's going on here. Only a few stupid cranes are standing on the snowy fields in the Prignitz region, not knowing what to do with themselves in the cold. In the forest next to our house, a deer carcass is lying, its throat ripped open, entrails missing and the clean-picked  ribs looking like bars in a prison cell. Several crows have picked the last soft and tasty parts off.

Who sees the end coming, tries to take people's minds off it by telling us something positive about the future... or even better: demanding something. The whole Easter weekend, people demanded things. The new pope demanded world peace and appeasement, the Easter peace march protesters demanded an end of arms exports and Matthias Sammer demanded more vigilance at corner kicks.

(Note: the last is a German soccer joke - a former German soccer player. and quite successful in the German national team, too, Matthias Sammer is now one of the managers of the highly successful club FC Bayern München)

Whoever can, flees into warmer areas. Half of my friends have travelled abroad, anywhere, where it's possible to catch a few rays of warm sun. The main thing is to travel by plane. Not only for getting there faster, but also to accelerate the climate change, thus shortening our suffering.

Even here, in our rural commune, the distraction programme is running on full throttle. On Saturday before Easter, we even watched "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" on TV (Note: the German version of "Pop Idol" or "American Idol"), having white wine and popcorn with it. We laughed about the lanky lads on the show and called in for Beatrice. OK, I called and then put 50 cents for the call's worth into the phone piggy-bank. There was a prize of 10,000 Euros to be won. At least, I could have repaid my debts before the world ended. If I had won... which I didn't.

On Sunday, while we were taking an Easter walk, I recited Goethe's "Easter Walk" poem, and when coming to the line "But the sun tolerates nothing white..." we all laughed hysterically. Only the dog was really happy in the snow, just like on the first day..."

The original German article can be read here:!113899/

Margarete Stokowski is an author for the German newspaper "taz", there writing and publishing her column "Luft und Liebe" (love and air)