Meine ganz persönlichen Tagebucheinträge in Sachen "WTF?" im täglichen Leben eines barfußlaufenden Büroangestellten, der in der Freizeit nur sein Blumenkinddasein offen zeigen kann... -
My personal diary entries, sometimes "WTF?" style in the daily life of a barefoot office employee, who's able to show his inner flower child only in his spare time....
Samstag, 7. April 2012
Barefoot spring... - Barfußfrühling
Taking a barefoot stroll in the park on Good Friday, looking out for traces of new spring green and featuring my foot tattoo, too...
Ein Barfußspaziergang im Park am Karfreitag... Ausschau halten nach dem neuen Grün des Frühlings und das Fußtattoo präsentieren:
I love exploring textures while being in skin-to-skin contact with Mother Earth...
Ich liebe es,verschiedene Oberflächen zu erforschen, während ich direkten Hautkontakt mit Mutter Erde habe...
Bare feet, surrounded by Mother Nature's grass roots rebels... dandelions...
Sand and pebbles... almost feeling like a beach...
One happy hippie barefooter...
Lucky bare feet in clover (Part 1)
Lucky bare feet in clover (part 2)
Feeling warm soil, at the center of a tree triangle (3 alders, incorporating the threefold Goddess)
Relaxing on a bench...
Walking the red brick road? Bare feet at the bus stop, after the park stroll...
__________________ "Life is chaos, chaos is life! Control is an illusion!" - Trance Gemini
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